External sync: deviation between correct clock and real-time bounded by known constant
Internal sync: deviation between each other bounded
Speed changed by constant factor c to reduce systematic drift error.
Granularity on order or 1 ns to 1 microsecond, drift rate 10^-4 to 10^-6
Clock Failure Assumption
Assume non crashed proc has access to correct hardware clock
Redundant clocks make prob of faulty read negligible
Datagram Service
Three ops: send(m, q), broadcast(m), deliver(m, p)
Three requirements: validity, no-dupe, min-delay
One way timeout delay (del)
(del) depends on netwrok load but is protocol dependent
Msg omission not independent of load
Failure Assumption
Ommission / performance failure semantics w/ low probability of source address spoofing, corruption, or duplication.
Does not ensure existence of upper bound for transmission delay
Process Management Service
Process Modes
up: executing standard code
crashed: stopped executing, can’t take next step
recovering: exec state init code
4 events to transition: start, crash, ready, recover
Alarm Clocks
p sets alarm to be wakened
p wakes if (1) mgmt service wakes it (2) receives msg before wakened, can only have 1 alarm at a time
SetAlarm_p_s (T): p requests at real-time s to be woken at future time u s.t. H_p(u) >= T
WakeUp_p_u (T): proc mgmt service wakes up p at real-time u
IV. Extensions
Two optional extensions:
stable storage: allow procs to store memory state between crashes
progress assumption: majority of procs will be “stable” (behave like synchronous system) for bounded amount of time
V. Communication by Time
Sync system detects crash via “I-am-alive” msg not received in time.
Aync system cannot decide if leader has crash, is slow, or communication is slow.
Time-based locking
p sends info to q saying its only valid for specified amount of time
q calculates upper bound on transmission delay of m to determine how long it can use m
p consults local hardware clock to determine time beyond which q will stop using m
VI. Possibility and Impossibility Issues
Election and consensus are implementable in actual distributed computing systems, but do not allow deterministic solution in the time-free model or the core timed model.
Easier guarantee is that as long as there is a majority of delta-F-stable processes in a time interval, then there exists a proc that becomes leader in that interval.