Eric Conner GitHub

March 01, 2014

Understanding Python Dictionaries

Python implements its dictionary as a hash table that uses open addressing to resolve collisions. The hash table occupies a contiguous block of RAM broken up into slots, each of which stores one and only one entry. Essentially a python dictionary is just an array in memory where a hash value of each newly inserted key is used to find a slot in the array to place the new entry.

The Hash

Python lets you use seemingly arbitrary objects as keys to dictionaries by utilizing the object’s __hash__ method:

>>> myobj = object()
>>> mydict = {myobj: 'hello'}
>>> mydict
{<object at 0x102bec920>: 'hello'}

Any object that defines a __hash__ method is considered hashable and thus can be used as the key in a dictionary. __hash__ should return an integer, which python then uses to find the key a slot in the hash table. If __hash__ does not return an int python attempts to coerce the value to an int, which can produce less than desirable effects.

object has a default __hash__ function that returns a value related to the identity of the object. In python every object has an identity which can be observed using the builtin id() function. Using the identity makes sense as it is required to be a unique, constant value for the object during its lifetime. The natural choice for identity then is the object’s memory address:

>>> myobj = object()
>>> myobj
<object at 0x106f60770>
>>> id(myobj)
>>> int(str('0x106f60770'), 16)

Now, if we take the hash of this object we get,

>>> hash(myobj)

which is…some random number. But, it turns out this seemingly random number is just the identity of the object divided by 16.

>>> id(myobj) / 16 == hash(myobj)

(I don’t know why python divides id by 16 for the hash.)

The Hash Table

In CPython, the hash table starts with PyDict_MINSIZE slots which as of this writing is 8. To find slots for newly added items, python uses the expression hash(key) & mask where mask is always equal to the current capacity of the dictionary (which must be a power of 2) minus 1. The bitwise representation of 2^n - 1 is always a sequence of 1’s so the mask will zero out all bits except the lower order n-1 bits.

For example, say we want to insert the key ‘abc’ with value 5. We first need to find an empty slot in the hash table,

>>> hash("abc") & (8 - 1)
>>> int2base(hash("abc"), 2)
'...0101000010100000100100111101000010100011' # lower 3 bits are '011'

In the hash table this might look something like:

Idx Hash Key Value
011 ...100011 "abc" 5

So, what happens when we get a collision? Python probes to find the next empty slot. One way to probe would be to search the slots in order from the occupied slot until an empty one is found. Python uses a different form of probing to find the next available slot. The exact details are not important, but python’s probing uses the higher order bits of the hash code to prevent long chains of collisions. (See dictobject.c:35-125).

The hash table gets resized when the dictionary becomes 2/3rds full. The size of the table will be doubled (e.g. to 16) and the lower order 4 bits will then be used to redistribute keys in the block of memory.

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